Wafilipi 2:10-11

    Praise the Lord dear brothers who are watching us, welcome to another episode. Today am going to teach you about offering and why we give offering. Halleluyah, 

    Praise the Lord. We will read Genesis 4:2-6
    “Eve gave birth again to Cain’s brother Abel. Abel became a shepherd, and Cain became a farmer. At the harvest time, Cain brought a gift to the Lord. He brought some of the food that he grew from the ground, but Abel brought some animals from his flock. He chose some of his best sheep and brought the best parts from them. The Lord accepted Abel and his gift.”Amen.

     I shall read Mathew 6:2-4
    “When you give to those who are poor, don’t announce that you are giving. Don’t be like the hypocrites when they are in the synagogues and on the streets, they blow trumpet before they give so that people will see them. They want everyone to praise them. The truth is, that’s all the reward they will get so when you give to the poor, don’t let anyone know what you are doing. Your father can see what is done in private, and he will reward you”. Amen.

    Praise the Lord, like I already told you today I will be teaching about offering; what is offering? And why we give offering? Offering is your service between you and GOD alone. It’s a covenant between you and GOD and not between you and a Pastor or you and a Prophet or you and any servant. And when you give up offering is not like you are giving your offering to your Pastor or Apostle or Prophet but it is you giving out to your God. It is your service between you and GOD. In another way I can say it is a service that you are doing giving back to GOD. As you can see when we read about Cain and Abel. 

    Abel’s offering was received and accepted by GOD. Cain gave out his offering but GOD did not accept it. Neither Cain nor Abel gave their offering to a Pastor but they gave their offering to GOD and that is how it suppose to be but you will wonder why Cain’s offering was not accepted. Even today a lot of people or a lot of Christians give up their offering but is not accepted by GOD. But they do not know, but others do know. In the plan of offering, the plan started in heaven. Even in heaven Angels give out their offering to GOD. Even the devil, when he was in heaven he gave offerings to GOD.

    When the devil was sent away from heaven he made his own kingdom just the same way GOD has his own kingdom. And he is given offerings as well .Abel’s offering was accepted by GOD but Cain’s offering was not accepted. He did not give with a willing heart and also it is because the things he had in his heart that made his offering not accepted by GOD. So if your offering is not accepted by GOD you should know that the devil is the one who receives your offering .Hallelujah. 

    I shall now move to the scripture of Matthew, when you give up your offering it’s a secret between you and your Heavenly Father. But right now that is not the way offerings have become contrary your offering is known by a pastor, it’s known the amount you give, it’s known by the church, it’s known in the history of the books that are in the church and the word says when people know what your offering you are not rewarded by GOD, rather your are rewarded by people and people respect you which means you have wasted or you have thrown away your money because it’s not accepted by GOD, and I wonder where people have gotten this knowledge because it’s not written anywhere in the bible that you should write your name when your offering  your sacrifice to GOD and when you read the word of GOD it does not allow so, Offering is something that is valuable between you and GOD.

    I also want you to know that, people give offering to the devil, and they are those who give sacrifices. Praise the Lord! There are those who kill, there are those who give up money, that is the service they do between them and the devil and a lot of people have given their offering to the devil without knowing. For example, someone goes to a witch doctor, they have taken their offering to the devil. 

    Praise the Lord! I am going to speak about something that has become annoying all over the world. You know people love money a lot; money should be something that you are able to control and not it controls you or your life. Praise the Lord! Now there is a spirit that has entered the church of loving money and by that they use the word offering in order to cover so people do not understand that they love money. Praise the Lord! It is called offering because when someone hears its offering they think it’s something that they are doing for GOD, but it actually is not offering.

    When you read the word of GOD from Malachi 3 “he says try me or offer to me your offering and see if I will not bless you or open the gates of heaven”. As in let there be a service between you and GOD. Praise the Lord! There have been tricks that have been brought to the world. This is why a big percent of the church today is more about money. Finding money and getting money rather than teaching the word of GOD. Praise the lord! But how will you know that is not an offering? Any offering that you have been told  to write your name and you are given a receipt once you have given out your offering know that  you have been throwing away your offering because it has not been accepted or received by GOD rather it has been known by people, Pastors, Prophet  and so called servants of GOD. 

    If you have ever done that; written your name or mobile number, fax or email when giving your offering you should know that you wasted your time, you threw away your offering because it’s not accepted by GOD rather its accepted by devil and what you receive there is blessing from the devil. This is why many people have given offerings and think that they are giving to GOD and do not get any answers this is because they were not accepted by GOD same way as Cain’s was not accepted by GOD. But they use JESUS name and he said “they will use his name.”

    The main reason of using his name is in order to take people’s money from them because it is a powerful name and when you hear that Jesus said so you will easily offer. There are certain Pastors or so called servants of GOD who are not happy with the fact that may be you have money, or you have planned to travel or do something like build a house or just develop yourself in a certain way. They are upset that you are using that money instead of giving to GOD; that is not GOD, it is actually them who want your money and because you did not give to them they become upset. I am telling you, those are robbers, if you accept to be robbed and continue that is your decision but I have told you the truth. Praise the lord!

    In offering people use the word offering in a way to get money from you. Praise the lord! If you see or have been to a place that, in order to see a servant you have to pay a certain amount of money then you go to the assistant or secretary you give up that money they call it offering. When actually its tax you are giving up, they can’t tell you tax because if they tell you tax you will not offer to them, they are covering it up with the word offering so that you give to them. Praise the lord! It’s not supposed to be that way; you are not supposed to give up money so as to get spiritual services from any servant, if they have been sent by GOD they should do what GOD wants. 

    It is written in the word of GOD “freely you have received, freely give”. There are those who have been sent by devil and call themselves servants but they are servants of the devil who have been sent to snatch, take away your money and through that to destroy your life. GOD has sent me to tell the whole world..

    Praise the Lord! There a lot of people who think they are in service with JESUS but actually they are in service with devil and they are in service with the Pastor. It is shocking when you are in a certain area and hear there is an offering basket for the Pastor’s wife; is your service between you and GOD or you and the Pastor’s wife? All that time you threw away your money. All of those are thieves. They are lying to children of GOD. And that is true and it will remain being the truth it shall not change. Stop stealing from children of GOD. Children of GOD, May GOD may open your mind so that you may see the truth.

    Praise the Lord! Something else, someone wants to be prayed for and is told to give up their offering in order to be prayed for. That is not offering that money has been stolen from you. You are not supposed to give anything or pay anything because GOD is for free. If you are in place where you are told to pay to get service then know that is where the devil is dwelling because the devil will not give anything for free. You give something in order to get something, so just know that if you are in a place like that GOD is not there.  

    Praise the Lord! And there is a slogan that says “give up till it hurts you and that is the only way it will touch GOD and he will receive the offering.” That is one way of stealing your money .Look at Cain he gave up his offering with a hard  heart that is hurting inside and GOD did not accept or received his offering because he does not receive offerings that are  given with a heart that is in pain. Praise the Lord! Now there is a certain place that gives out ranks, if you give up a certain amount of money you are  named “diamond”, if you give a certain amount of money you are named “gold” and if you give a certain amount of money you are named “tanzanite”. That is not an offering that is accepted by GOD. Those offerings have been taken by Pastors, as a trick and they give out those names so that you can try and work hard to give out more money to them.

    Praise the Lord. I will give you an example, you find a servant standing at the altar and says whoever gives out a thousand dollars you come out, you are given a pen and then you sign at the shoulder part of the suit which means you have given a lot that is the reward you sign at the top of the suit, and may be you have given another amount you sign at his shoulder, another amount you sign at the bottom of his suit. You give another amount you sign at his knee. 

    You need to know, that offering you have given up is taken by those servants and the reward does not go to GOD and if it does not go to GOD that means your service is not between you and GOD your service is between you, the Pastor and the cloth and also your service is with Satan. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord. I think you have understood me.

    There are other people who when they give their offering later their heart is in pain or you regret giving that offering. Your soul knows instantly that you have not given to GOD but you have been stolen from, because they have demons that are called “demon of offering” and when that demon is within a servant if he speaks something, even if you did not want to give out you offering you will find yourself doing so. Hallelujah! 

    Praise the Lord! Something else, and this is a big problem within churches and you who is watching, whether you hate me or love me but am sure a big percent of you something like this has happened to you; you find people who are in church and it’s time for offering they are forced to stand up and give offering in the basket where the offering is kept and a lot of people when they are going to give their offering I myself I  have done this, I feel ashamed to sit and not give out offering because everyone has been told to stand up and go in front to give their offering so I pretend to put my hand in the pocket and close my fist when I go to the basket I give out my offering but actually have not put anything in the basket because I had no offering to give and I have done it many times. When I came to know GOD, he told me not to repent he said it would have been better if I did not give at all and if you have ever done so, don’t repent.

    Praise the Lord! I think this has happened all over the world. Praise the Lord! That is not an offering. Something else, if they see they are tied up they say we are giving offering for choir and the Choir Master stands there to see how much you will give out to support the choir, when you give out the Choir Master looks at how much you have given even sometimes Pastor do so, if he sees you have given out a small amount he looks at you badly. Oh! I am telling you that is not an offering. Praise the Lord! That is the game that has been done to the children of GOD. The bible says your offering is your secret. Why is this  person standing over the basket to see what you are offering? it’s written whenever you are offering you should be happy. 

    If it’s a service you should not be forced to give out. And right now people are forced to stand up line after line to give up their offering. But now they are different offerings five offerings? Hundred offerings? What for? Now you will be told, services to get pregnant. You will be told offering for pastor’s child. Is he GOD? Are you doing it to him? It won’t even be enough you will be told to give up offering for Evangelists, for building. When you give out offerings, that offering is accepted by GOD then he will lead the church what to do exactly with that offering, through the Holy Spirit.

    Praise the Lord! Now people are suffering, their properties have been taken away from them. I, myself my property was taken away but I have forgiven them and GOD has blessed me, I want him to bless you too. Stop crying just like the way I stopped crying .I gave out a lot of offerings but it did not protect me. I became bankrupt, I lost all that I had when I thought I was giving to GOD but my service was not to GOD it was with the Pastor. When I knew the truth my service was with GOD, no enemy can stand in front of me. You’re offering is supposed to say something, let it reach a point when GOD says something over your offering. Praise the Lord! Another thing, if GOD sent you or that service is from GOD that servant or Pastor does not need to take any loan or incur any debt because our GOD is not for debts he does not have a Spirit of debts. He says; do not pay the interest rates.

    Praise the Lord! Now a certain church takes loans in order to build or do something within the church then you are told to give up offering in order to pay that loan. That is not an offering. You have been throwing away your money. Go back to the bible .Praise the Lord! GOD’s word is the truth and we should follow the truth. And if it’s not followed as the truth then there is another GOD there who is the anti -Christ. There are offerings given to the anti-Christ, there are services for the anti-Christ. You find someone who is on TV or radio and when they are there, at the bottom of the screen there are number scrolling, and they might say that, the first two hundred people who will give out a certain amount of money GOD will bless them, GOD has told me so and people run around so that they can send that money. That is the lie. 

    First of all, GOD himself is not a beggar; he does not make himself vulnerable in front of the people. The devil’s work is to steal from people, so that his services can keep running. If you read Galatians 1:6, those scriptures of another kind, offerings of another kind. Those are the ones. How will you know them, by their actions?

    Praise the Lord! Someone is on the radio  example is the director, the manager or the chairperson then I say to you send me the money on the radio. That person is lying to you. If that radio or TV is really from GOD people will  give out willingly or are touched by the Holy Spirit to give out for a certain thing within the church whether it’s on the radio or TV but not being forced and they will be blessed by GOD  himself. Praise the Lord! Because GOD has done service with them. Many people do with the devil; don’t expect to be blessed by GOD. That is why people become bankrupt and they have nothing left. Praise the Lord! And other thing that has become a problem. 

    Let me ask you a question, what kind of service did you do with GOD? You were robbed. Praise the Lord!  What happened you will be told plant, plant, and plant seed? It will become a business every day you will be told plant seed, plant seed, what kind of seed? Now your services have become seed. You planted a seed to a person. May your mind be open? Praise the Lord! Something else, if you find a place where they read out names in church that certain people have given out offerings well, then after sometime they do not give out, and start looking through their record and follow you; you haven’t paid this month you are in debt to the church. That is not an offering you have given up that is you being stolen from and these are tax collectors stealing your money, do not give them. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord! Your offering should not be asked or you should not be indebted to anyone.

     If you read the word of GOD, offering is your secret. Now this person where is he coming from, knowing how much you have given out, who has allowed them to know how much you have given out? Who is he/she to know how much you have given out? That is a thief. That is GOD’s enemy. The word of GOD has refused it and you have become the enemy of GOD by doing so. They throw demons at you, then you become stupid, you will sell your house, you will give away the money that you have been given to feed your children. They are many who have hated going to the church because they find themselves giving out so much and then they end up with nothing. But you were not giving to GOD; you were giving to something else. There are marriages which have been destroyed and other things have not gone right.

    Now a lot of people find themselves may be, giving up offering over their marriage, children, business or something concerning their lives and these offerings are not received by GOD, they are received by the devil and once it is received by the devil he answer your prayer by destroying everything. Hallelujah. I think you understand me, so your service of offering, don’t allow anyone to tell you do this, you must give out this way, you should tell him to stay away from you.

    You know it’s better if you find a thief he might be a bit merciful over you but these people who write your name, list down how much you have given out and if you don’t given out they follow you and tell you are indebted they have no mercy and they have captured many people  in this way and if they see you won’t give out offering they start following you and say, you know you have dropped spiritually you have not given out to GOD. It’s not you they are looking for, they don’t even care whether you grow spiritually or not it’s your money that they are concerned about. If you are in a place where they are doing so and you say I won’t follow this way, I will give out my offering in secret. That doesn’t matter because the way the church leader is, is the same the congregation or people who worship there will be, you are all in the same level line, you are all in the same place, you are all not doing GOD’ s will.

    Praise the Lord! I shall explain in another episode, because it’s a long lesson. I shall keep teaching the whole world, so that people can do their service of offering with GOD and not with the devil. I know a lot of people are not happy when I talk about offering .Those who love GOD are happy about that but those who are thieves will not be happy. JESUS is happy. GOD is happy. Stealing is not allowed. Stop stealing from children of GOD. That is not right. That money which you have stolen from children of GOD, you shall answer one day. 

    Praise the Lord! And payment is right here on earth, your soul is saying something to you. Tell your father down there Hebron has said today, the truth about offering. Stop it. Don’t think it’s my voice. GOD is looking at you, all children of GOD, all around the world, all nations do not be lied to. If your offering will be going to GOD, and your life wouldn’t have any problem. Your marriage, children would not be in problems. Where has your money gone? It went to the devil in the spirit. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord! Hallelujah. GOD bless you. 

    Something else, that has been disturbing people, they have been made partners you have been told that every month you have to promise a certain amount of money or to do something for the church. That is not an offering that is your decision and your thought that you have been lied to. If you want to do something for the church it’s called offering you take it yourself, it should not be known. Hallelujah. And they are many people all over the world who are in debt to the church, oh! I haven’t paid my debts in three months. That is you being robbed, please don’t pay those debts GOD does not indebt anyone. You servant, you call yourself servant of GOD and you are doing so to children of GOD making them pay debts. There are others who are very aware of what you are doing, they are just looking at you, studying you and they disrespect you because they know the truth about what you are doing to children of GOD which is against GOD’s will. All of you who have done so you have thrown away your money knowingly or unknowingly, you threw away your money even if you are upset or hate what I am saying right now, you threw away your money. Hallelujah. GOD bless you. 

    Furthermore, keep reading my website www.prophethebron.org  go to the blog and you tube link as well. Also I welcome you to my church in Tanzania in any of my branches wherever it is. GOD bless you. We shall see you another time, don’t be “afraid”. Don’t do your service of offering with people again .Don’t be robbed again . Don’t be stupid. The bible says “Christians don’t be fools”. GOD bless you. Amen.


    Hakuna maoni:

