Wafilipi 2:10-11

    Welcome to another episode of the word of GOD where I am going to teach about “JESUS is the way, the truth and the life,” and if he is the way, the truth and the life it means that he is the way to heaven and if it is that way it means there is no prophet neither is there any apostle who was sent aside from JESUS to save you or to lead the way to heaven.

    I also want you to know that there is a false Jesus who is the way to eternal death. I shall be teaching you how you can know this false Jesus because it is not by his name but through certain actions that will show you that through those actions he will lead you to the hade.
    FATHER, I ask that you may open their eyes and their minds so that they may be able to understand you JESUS because you love them, you want them to follow you the TRUE JESUS and not the false Jesus and you want those who do not know you to get to know you because you are the only prophet and apostle that GOD has chosen to lead people to go to heaven and in other denomination or religion they call you Prophet Issa; and there will come a time when you will come to take your people who have accepted you because you are the way to heaven.
    Here on earth you said there are people or Christians who will come and lie to other Christians and those who have come are leading people to eternal death. We shall read the scripture in the book of John 14: 1-7
    Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God[a]; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”
    Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”
    Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know[b] my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”
    Halleluyah, praise the LORD!
    We have read that JESUS has gone to prepare a place for you. I have gotten the grace to go to heaven and have seen certain places that JESUS is preparing for you and they are very beautiful homes; it cannot be explained and very few houses have names of people who have already been prepared for a house in heaven. Many houses have been built but they do not have names on them yet which means that there are not enough people that have already been planned a house or a room in heaven. I was very amazed because I thought many Christians would go to heaven but many of them who have accepted Christianity have not been led in the right way, the right path that will lead them to heaven.
    He told me even those who call themselves Christians but have not received salvation will not find the way or will not enter the gates of heaven, he is the way and in order for you to find the way you must get saved. Here on earth many have been taught to refuse salvation or refuse to get saved. He told me all Christians who have refused to get saved he does not know them and those who have refused to get saved have caught the journey to eternal death and are being led by the anti Christ and he is within them, that is why they don’t want JESUS or salvation.
    Their hard hearts do not want me and JESUS says those who have hard hearts who do not want him even he will refuse them in front of his father in heaven. Go and tell them; because many have been taught false teachings that they have held on to in their hearts so even if they are taught the truth their hearts are still hard and they do not accept the truth. This is the grace period, tell them that they should change, they should return to me, I am coming back my time to return has come. Those who will accept me from now and follow me will be healed and those who shall refuse me I also shall refuse them. I am asking you to get saved and come back to JESUS.
    I know that there are others who have been saved but in their salvation they are not in the foundation that is built through JESUS, they are in a foundation that is built through false teachings, they have been captured by the devil. I want you to understand once you become saved and when you are taught true teachings and you follow it and hold on to it you are in a covenant or marriage that will lead you to heaven and when you are a Christian and you do not want to be saved and hold on to false teachings; you are in a covenant or marriage with the devil that will lead you to hell, I ask you to break that covenant with the devil today.
    In order to break that covenant there is only one way and that is salvation and the truth is if until today you have refused to be saved you are in a covenant with the devil knowingly or unknowingly and that is the truth; you are in the devil’s kingdom, refuse to be with the devil. Do not say that you will get saved next year or the year after because once you say something like that it means you are still the devils wife but you do not know that it is the devil. The actions that you are following are the devils. The bible says you will know them through their actions.
    JESUS is the way, the truth and the life, he wants you to be saved and you do not want to get saved. His FATHER sent him to earth. Have you ever asked yourself what it has taken for JESUS to come to the world, what value it is or its worth, to come to the world to shed his blood and die and resurrect and to bring you a message so that you get saved but you do not want to get saved. Refuse to be with the devil that has refused you to get saved; I welcome you to JESUS.
    Halleluyah, Praise the LORD!
    Do not be afraid he is coming back. Without JESUS you will not see GOD without JESUS you will not see the HOLY SPIRIT. Any creation, any person, anyone who wants to go to heaven the only way is through JESUS believe it or not and the devil has brought certain tricks, he brought his false Jesus, he is there, he is working and one way to know is when Christians refuse to get saved and they say they are going to heaven. You are not going to heaven you are going to the hade. You are a Christian and you worship idols, you are going to hell.
    You say you are a Christian and maybe you are saved and you got baptized in a well that has been built within the church in front of the altar or you are saved but have been baptized by a pastors name, that is not the way, the truth or the life and is the way of the anti Christ that is against JESUS and will lead people astray by teaching them false teachings that will lead them to hell. Others are freemason, others are witchdoctors or sorcerers but they preach the word of GOD; that is not the true JESUS, it is the false Jesus. When they lead you and you listen to them and receive their teachings and you become the devil’s member, just like your leader is; that is the same way his children or followers are. If you didn’t know, know now!
    Praise the LORD!
    Come back to JESUS repent and get saved, he needs you, he is looking at you, follow his way. Say JESUS I ask you to forgive me all of my sins that I have done knowingly or unknowingly, I refuse the devil and all of his things. I break that marriage and covenant with the devil of false Christianity, I do not want it, I come back to you JESUS, I am yours and one day I shall reach heaven, please prepare my home and when you come to take your church do not leave me and if I have died before you come may you take me because you are the way, the truth and the life. I have known the truth, I love you FATHER, help me. Amen.
    GOD bless you

    Hakuna maoni:

